Netflix’s Nutrition Documentary is an interesting combination of nutrition studies and first-person accounts by doctors and public health officials. The program follows people on a quest to make better choices in their diets. Each profiled person attributed a specific dietary change to a resurgence of their health. These individuals range from a young mom named San’Dera Nation, who lost a significant amount of weight, to a boxer named Mac Danzig, who credits his plant-based diet for his muscle recovery. One endurance athlete, Ruth Heidrich, is also credited with surviving cancer after she ate a plant-based diet for three years.
The film also explores how food is created and prepared. Food is created by preparing animals to become bigger, and it’s all done with chemicals and hormones. This leads to several health problems, and the documentary aims to help the viewer make the right choices based on the food they eat. It also examines how human evolution has led to the current state of our planet’s food supply. Despite its controversial subject matter, Netflix’s Nutrition Documentary is highly recommended.
Aside from the documentary’s topic, it also addresses how sugar is being processed into our daily foods. It highlights the role of healthy ingredients in cooking, and it teaches us the importance of eating locally and outdoors. It also asserts that food produced by large companies in a factory-like environment is unhealthy and unsustainable. Hence, a change in mindset is needed before one can make healthy food choices. While there are many reasons to change one’s diet, a documentary on sugar can help viewers make the right choices.
Another factor to consider is the credibility of the producers of a Netflix Nutrition Documentary. Despite being well-produced, Netflix Nutrition Documentary contains biased information and is highly partisan. The information it provides may be incorrect or contain overt bias, so you should check out several others before making a final decision. Just make sure to watch a documentary by a credible source. It might change your life. Then, make the right choices and make the right decisions.
“The Game Changers” is a Netflix documentary about the benefits of a plant-based diet for athletes. The documentary has received mixed reviews from critics because of its cherry-picked data and generalizations from weak studies. It is a little biased and one-sided in favor of veganism, but it’s a fascinating look at the lives of elite vegan athletes. So, what’s the verdict? I’m not convinced the documentary is a good choice.